Reality exists, reality doesn’t exist, black exist, black doesn’t exist, white exists, white doesn’t exist, identity exists, identity doesn’t exist
The ground disappears beneath Alice’s feet, she falls to the depths of the earth, without space and time. Alice asks: who am I?
A physical, comic adaptation without words of Lewis Carroll’s famous book Alice in Wonderland. Four anonymous characters are suddenly asked to tell a story, and without intending to, tell the story of the curious girl Alice. The protagonists find themselves falling, following Alice to the depths of the earth, where they discover that there is no longer a clear, fixed reality. An empty state, physical clowning theater, slapstick, fast paced and dynamic.
Author: Moshe Malka; actors: Nani Brok, Samrat Haylu, David Ziselson, Israel Paniel; music and effects: Adi Hayyat; stage design and costumes: Nava Shtar; lighting design: Nehorai Levidor
Additional dates:
Thursday, 18.5.23, 20:30