Sak Basak ("laughter and laughter") is a parodic-satirical celebration that summarizes the first six years of the ensemble's activity
bringing characters and types from the folklore of the Ethiopian community in Israel to the stage. The performance includes music, ecstatic dancing with comic moments, stories without words in rapid slapstick and biting stand-up comedy.
Written and directedm Moshe Malka
Actors Bayna Getahon, Aycho Biya, Molat Elazar, Tehila Yeshayahu-Adghe and Yochay Harat
Choreography Aycho Biya
Costume and set design Yasmin Wolk
Lighting design Albert Yeshinsky
Soundtrack design Aycho Biya
Management Nir Landa
Supported by Beracha Foundation, Jerusalem Municipality